Rates & Booking

(Minimum 48hrs notice required for new date requests or 24hrs for published confirmed dates)

We recommend booking early to avoid disappointment.
The number of visits per month and participants per group may be limited to minimise disturbance.

Minimum donation tour rates effective 27th January 2024

Option A: 1-2 hour 'vulture viewing experience' guided tour.
Conducted from easily accessible cliff vantage points.

South African citizen/permanent resident (15+ years old)- R100.00 minimum donation per person (min R400.00 total if less than 4 adults in the entire group).
International visitor (15+ years old)- R200.00 minimum donation per person (min R500.00 total if just one or two adults in entire group)

We believe this to be exceptional value when compared to a similar experience offered in the Western Cape.
Larger donations would therefore certainly be greatly appreciated and will enable our project to expand it's ambitions.

Subject to availability. Restrictions may apply.

Click here for a list of confirmed tour dates

Please note that other guests may be added to your party, by Oribi Vulture Viewing Hide, to make up a larger group. In such cases, should a minimum charge be applicable for your visit, this may be waived depending on the entire group size.

Option B: 3-4 hour 'morning photography session'.
Conducted from easily accessible cliff vantage points.**

Photo-Mick Dryden February 2020

Photo-Mick Dryden February 2020
South African citizen/permanent resident (15+ years old)- R200.00 minimum donation per person (min R800.00 total if less than 4 adults in the entire group).
International visitor (15+ years old)- R400.00 minimum donation per person (min R800.00 total if just one adult in the entire group).

We believe this to be exceptional value when compared to a similar opportunity offered in the Western Cape.
Larger donations would therefore certainly be greatly appreciated and will enable our project to expand it's ambitions.

Subject to availability. Restrictions may apply.

Please note that other guests may be added to your party, by Oribi Vulture Viewing Hide, to make up a larger group. In such cases, should a minimum charge be applicable for your visit, this may be waived depending on the entire group size.

School Groups educational visits
No charge.
Further information available on request.

Tour operators
Further information available on request.

Film crews
Rates available on request.

*Rates subject to change without notice

Groups will be escorted by an Oribi Vulture Viewing Hide representative at all times.
Please note that escorts are volunteers and receive no reward, monetary or otherwise.

Please read the Terms & Conditions here

Important information:
  • This is PRIVATE PROPERTY. Unauthorized access is not permitted at any time.
  • Please note that there are no toilet facilities.
  • The hide is a level 100m walk from parking area.
  • Access to the cliff vantage point is a level walk approx 100m, but the terrain is rocky under foot.
  • The Oribi Vulture Viewing Hide is a not for profit Voluntary Association in association with the landowner. All donations received go towards the maintenance and upkeep of this important site or other worthwhile conservation projects.

How to book

email  please email all booking enquiries to:

Cellphone (within 3 days) 072 893 3794

WhatsApp (within 3 days)  072 893 3794